How do I make a claim?

Having to make a claim can be a complex process. However, your dedicated HIA Insurance Services broker is here to help you through that process and make it a much smoother experience. When you have become aware of an event that has or may give rise to a claim, we recommend you contact your dedicated broker immediately.

Scroll down for payments information

Need to make a claim?

Speak with one of our insurance claims experts.

What do I need to have prepared for my claim?

Before you raise a claim with the support of your HIA Insurance Services (HIAIS) broker, there are some steps you will need to go through in order to best prepare yourself. All claims are unique in their detail, and therefore insurers may require additional information when investigating your claim event, however here are some items you may need to acquire.

Complete a claims form

Your HIAIS broker will provide you with the appropriate claims form for the insurer. You will need to fill this out and return it to your broker. This form will require information such as:

  • Date of the claim event
  • A description of the claim event
  • Your company details
  • Your payment details for settlement

Public / Products Liability pdf icon

Contract Works pdf icon

Your building contract

Please obtain a copy of the building project contract for the project that the claim event is related to. 

Letter of demand

You may be required to provide a letter of demand from the third party stating the reason they hold you responsible. 

Estimate costs

A calculation of what the estimated costs are related to the damage incurred or losses as a result of the claim event. 

Other required information
  • Photographic evidence of the damage before and/or after
  • Subcontractor information (if applicable)
  • Police report (if applicable)


How do I pay for my policy?

There are a variety of ways to pay your policy premium which are outlined below. Please be aware that you will receive your certificate of currency (certificate of insurance) once we have confirmed your payment. If you would like to discuss payment options, please call us on 1800 762 878.

Payment Options

Improve your business cash flow and pay your insurance premium in monthly instalments through our premium funding option. 

To request a quote for premium funding, please speak to your dedicated HIAIS broker or call us on 1800 762 878.

You have the option to pay online using Aon's easy online payment portal. 

The reference number you need to provide is located in the payments section of your invoice. A transaction limit of $99,999 applies.

Individual invoices must be paid in full for the transaction to be accepted. Credit card transactions will incur a surcharge that you will be notified of at the time of payment.

Pay your premium now

Pay through your online banking platform, using Bpay. 

  1. Visit your bank's website or mobile app and login to your account
  2. When prompted, enter biller code 90308 and quote your reference number next to the Bpay section on your invoice
For further information, visit the Bpay website.

You can pay for your policy premium over the phone by calling the Aon self-payment portal. This is an automated phone system which requires you to quote the reference number located on your invoice and your payment details. 

To utilise the Aon self-payment portal, call 1300 854 017.

To ensure prompt allocation, you can pay your invoice by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) using your set of unique codes which can be found at the bottom of your invoice, as displayed below:

BSB: xxx-xxx
Account: xxxxxxxxxx
Reference: xxxxxxxxx

Once payment has been made, please send remittance advice to quoting your invoice number.